Words of the recent 15 days
a. untidy; dirty; uncared for in appearance
v. make null; bring to nothing; prevent from taking effect or attaining fulfillment
n. slight hint or indication; slight understanding
a. obscure; profound; difficult to understand.
a. having precise or logical relevance; pertaining or relating
n. place to discuss public concerns; meeting or medium for open discussion
n. product of a body's mass and its velocity; impelling force or strength; impetus
a. expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
a. not enduring; not able to endure; unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion
a. habitually complaining; expressing complaint or grievance
n. a contrast or opposition between two things; direct contrast
v. extinguish; put down forcibly; suppress; pacify or quiet
n. applying pressure; encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required
v. settle down; sink to a lower level or form depression; wear off or die down
v. make uneasy or anxious; trouble
a. tending to include all; taking a great deal or everything within its scope
a. incapable of being suffered, borne, or endured; insupportable; unendurable; intolerable
v. voice or convey disapproval of; rebuke; find fault with
a. essential or necessary for completeness; entire
n. scarcity; shortage of food; famine from failure or loss of crops
v. appoint to a clerical posts; dedicate to a deity by a vow; render holy by means of religious rites
n. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group; one of two or more layers one atop another
v. ease anger or agitation of; make calm or quiet; end war or violence
a. joking ,often inappropriately; humorous
a. pertaining to the universe; vast
n. expression whose meaning differs from meanings of its individual words; distinctive style
n. an opening or aperture; recess; introductory section or part, as of a poem
n. symbol of disgrace; small mark, as scar or birthmark; mark made with red-hot iron
a. extremely hungry; voracious; eager for prey
n. element; ingredient; abstract part of something
v. make false appearance of; disguise; conceal; invent or imagine
a. stubbornly adhering to insufficiently proven beliefs; inflexible, rigid
v. make better or more attractive; increase; improve
n. puzzle; a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand
v. destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence
n. small or simply constructed dwelling; small, wretched house