12th Grade Words of the Day

This Words for the Day webpage helps grade 12 students learn words at their levels efficiently. In addition to showing words of the current day, the page also has words of the recent 15 or 50 days to review. It's a handy app for 12th-grade students to get words and their meanings, examples, and context sources.

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 Word of the Day for Grade 12
Specified Day: 2024-07-26

There is no new word today!
Every weekend, the first day of each month, winter break (Dec 23 to Jan 6), and summer (part of July and all of August) are word-free days.
Today has no new words, but you can review the recent ones from 2024-07-26.

Review Words:   Rrecent 15 days   Recent 50 days
Words of the recent 15 days
2024-07-12   (Back to the Day)
  visualize   speakExamples  
v. make visual, or visible; see in fancy; form a mental image of
2024-07-11   (Back to the Day)
  theorem   speakExamples  
n. an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth; a proposition deducible from basic postulates
  transpose   speakExamples  
v. substitute one for the other of; reverse or transfer order or place of; interchange
  vilify   speakExamples  
v. debase; degrade; spread negative information about
2024-07-10   (Back to the Day)
  tabulate   speakExamples  
v. arrange or enter in tabular form; shape or cut with a flat surface
  tantalize   speakExamples  
v. tease; torture with disappointment; bait someone by showing something desirable but leaving them unsatisfied
2024-07-09   (Back to the Day)
  stance   speakExamples  
n. attitude or position of a standing person or animal; posture; mental posture; point of view
  stupefy   speakExamples  
v. make senseless or dizzy; be mystery or bewildering to
  superimpose   speakExamples  
v. place over something else; place on top of
2024-07-08   (Back to the Day)
  skirmish   speakExamples  
n. minor battle in war; minor or preliminary conflict or dispute
  sodden   speakExamples  
a. thoroughly soaked; expressionless, stupid, or dull, especially from drink
2024-07-05   (Back to the Day)
  saturate   speakExamples  
v. soak, fill, or load to capacity; cause to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
  segregate   speakExamples  
v. isolate; separate; divide from the main body
2024-07-04   (Back to the Day)
  repercussion   speakExamples  
n. often indirect effect or result that is produced by an event or action; reflection, especially of sound
  roster   speakExamples  
n. list, especially of names
  rostrum   speakExamples  
n. elevated platform for public speaking; pulpit
2024-07-03   (Back to the Day)
  renovate   speakExamples  
v. restore to good condition; renew
  reorganize   speakExamples  
v. organize anew, as after a setback
2024-07-02   (Back to the Day)
  recuperate   speakExamples  
v. recover; return to health or strength; recover from financial loss
  reformatory   speakExamples  
a. serving or designed to reform
  reimburse   speakExamples  
v. pay back for some expense incurred
2024-06-28   (Back to the Day)
  pulverize   speakExamples  
v. pound, crush, or grind to powder or dust
  readjust   speakExamples  
v. adjust again after an initial failure
2024-06-27   (Back to the Day)
  preoccupy   speakExamples  
v. occupy or take possession of beforehand or before another or appropriate for use in advance
  progression   speakExamples  
n. sequence; act of moving forward toward a goal
  prophylactic   speakExamples  
a. defending or protecting from disease or infection
2024-06-26   (Back to the Day)
  populate   speakExamples  
v. inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of; fill with inhabitants
  precinct   speakExamples  
n. district or division of city; place or enclosure by definite limits
2024-06-25   (Back to the Day)
  pervasive   speakExamples  
a. pervading; spread throughout every part
  pictorial   speakExamples  
a. evoking lifelike images within the mind; pertaining to or consisting of pictures
  piteous   speakExamples  
a. deserving or inciting pity; causing feelings of sympathy
2024-06-24   (Back to the Day)
  parse   speakExamples  
v. analyze syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to a sentence
  permeate   speakExamples  
v. spread or flow throughout; pervade
2024-06-21   (Back to the Day)
  metaphysical   speakExamples  
a. without material form or substance; based on abstract reasoning; highly abstract or theoretical; supernatural
  neural   speakExamples  
a. of or relating to neurons; relating to a nerve or the nervous system
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