7th Grade Words of the Day

This Words for the Day webpage helps grade 7 students learn words at their levels efficiently. In addition to showing words of the current day, the page also has words of the recent 15 or 50 days to review. It's a handy app for 7th-grade students to get words and their meanings, examples, and context sources.

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 Word of the Day for Grade 7
Specified Day: 2024-07-26

There is no new word today!
Every weekend, the first day of each month, winter break (Dec 23 to Jan 6), and summer (part of July and all of August) are word-free days.
Today has no new words, but you can review the recent ones from 2024-07-26.

Review Words:   Rrecent 15 days   Recent 50 days
Words of the recent 15 days
2024-07-02   (Back to the Day)
  underweight   speakExamples  
a. weighing less than usual, very thin
  unwritten   speakExamples  
a. not recorded in writing
a. not official, but which people generally accept and obey
2024-06-28   (Back to the Day)
  underachiever   speakExamples  
n. someone who is less successful than they should be at school or at work
  undercover   speakExamples  
a. working secretly using a false appearance to get information for the police
2024-06-27   (Back to the Day)
  toboggan   speakExamples  
n. an object for sitting on and sliding over snow and ice, its board curved upward in front
  tractor   speakExamples  
n. a motor vehicle with large back wheels and thick tyres, used on farms for pulling machinery
2024-06-26   (Back to the Day)
  sophomore   speakExamples  
n. a student studying in the second year at a US college or high school
  teenage   speakExamples  
a. being of the age 13 through 19
2024-06-25   (Back to the Day)
  rhinestone   speakExamples  
n. bright, transparent artificial jewel that looks like a diamond, used as an inexpensive ornament
  skiing   speakExamples  
n. action of traveling over snow on skis, especially as a sport or recreation
2024-06-24   (Back to the Day)
  pummel   speakExamples  
v. beat or pound with fists; hit or strike heavily and repeatedly
  retrieval   speakExamples  
n. process of finding and bringing back something
2024-06-21   (Back to the Day)
  preview   speakExamples  
v. watch a movie or play before it is released to the general public
n. short parts of a tv show or film that are shown in public to advertise it
  psychiatrist   speakExamples  
n. a doctor who specializes in psychiatry
2024-06-20   (Back to the Day)
  prearrange   speakExamples  
v. arrange beforehand
  preposterous   speakExamples  
a. contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; very silly or stupid; ridiculous
2024-06-19   (Back to the Day)
  postgraduate   speakExamples  
n. student who continues studies after graduation for second degree
  postwar   speakExamples  
a. happening or existing in the period after a war, especially the First or Second World War
2024-06-18   (Back to the Day)
  pollutant   speakExamples  
n. waste matter that contaminates the water, air, or soil
  postdate   speakExamples  
v. be later in time, happen or exist after something
2024-06-17   (Back to the Day)
  overrule   speakExamples  
v. decide against a decision that has already been made
  pessimism   speakExamples  
n. belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess
2024-06-14   (Back to the Day)
  overcook   speakExamples  
v. cook food for longer than necessary
  overemphasize   speakExamples  
v. place special or excessive emphasis on
2024-06-13   (Back to the Day)
  koala   speakExamples  
n. an Australian mammal with greyish fur
  obligate   speakExamples  
v. make someone feel morally or legally forced to do something
2024-06-12   (Back to the Day)
  irreplaceable   speakExamples  
a. impossible to replace because too special, unusual, or valuable
  irresponsible   speakExamples  
a. showing lack of care for consequences; reckless; carefree
2024-06-11   (Back to the Day)
  incompetence   speakExamples  
n. lack of physical or intellectual ability to do something successfully
n. inability of a part or organ to function properly
  informative   speakExamples  
a. instructive and illustrative; providing or conveying information
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