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useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; given rest and ease; avoiding work or employment; lazy

Spelling Word: idle
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n. Syn. urgent
having power command or control; critically importance; some duty that is essential and urgent

Spelling Word: imperative
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a. Syn. extemporaneous
without previous preparation

Spelling Word: impromptu
Read [Esc] (4)
ad. Syn. unavoidably; inescapably
unavoidably; in a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent

Spelling Word: inevitably
Read [Esc] (5)
a. Syn. unyielding; implacable
not capable of being swayed; unyielding; implacable

Spelling Word: inexorable
Read [Esc] (6)
state of being lower than or not as good as

Spelling Word: inferiority
Read [Esc] (7)
v. Syn. overrun; swarm
overrun; invade in great numbers; occupy in large numbers or live on a host

Spelling Word: infest
Read [Esc] (8)
strange; unusual; haughty or brutal in behavior or language; grossly rude or disrespectful

Spelling Word: insolent
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v. Syn. impede; discontinue
terminate; make a break in

Spelling Word: interrupt
Read [Esc] (10)
get involved; come, appear, or lie between two things

Spelling Word: intervene