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(bicker) engage in a petty, bad-tempered quarrel

Spelling Word: bicker
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(तुषार) blast; prevent the growth and fertility of; destroy the happiness of; ruin; frustrate

Spelling Word: blight
Read [Esc] (3)
(गलती) serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion

Spelling Word: blunder
Read [Esc] (4)
(लपलपाना) move or wave, as a weapon; raise and move in various directions

Spelling Word: brandish
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(भंगुर विवरणिका) pamphlet; small book usually having paper cover

Spelling Word: brochure
Read [Esc] (6)
(धमकाना) bully; intimidate; discourage or frighten with threats

Spelling Word: browbeat
Read [Esc] (7)
(घपला) mismanage; blunder; work or act in clumsy, awkward, or blundering manner

Spelling Word: bungle
Read [Esc] (8)
(विशाल) capable of containing a large quantity; spacious or roomy

Spelling Word: capacious
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(केशिका) long and slender with a very small internal diameter

Spelling Word: capillary
Read [Esc] (10)
(उत्प्रेरक) agent which brings about chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged

Spelling Word: catalyst