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(विनय) punish, as by beating; criticize severely; rebuke

Spelling Word: chastise
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(वाक्छल) mean or unfair artifice to obscure truth; deception by trickery or sophistry

Spelling Word: chicanery
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(असाध्य) fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative

Spelling Word: chimerical
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(राजपूत का) having qualities of ideal knight; faithful; brave

Spelling Word: chivalrous
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(बजानेवालों) band or organized company of singers, especially in church service

Spelling Word: choir
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(व्यंग्य) call, as a hen to her chickens; fondle; cocker; laugh in a suppressed or broken manner

Spelling Word: chuckle
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(अक्खड़) difficult to work with; rude; unyielding; unmanageable

Spelling Word: churlish
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(���्रतिबंध लगाना) limit narrowly; confine; draw a line around; encircle

Spelling Word: circumscribe
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(संज्ञानात्मक) knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic

Spelling Word: cognitive
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(सहयोग) work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort

Spelling Word: collaborate