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Grade 11: Quiz Card - 2
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Grade 11: Quiz Card - 2
[Esc] n. small, showy ornament of little value; child's plaything or toy
[Esc] v. dress up or decorate with showy things
[Esc] n. a state of extreme confusion and disorder; pejorative terms for an insane asylum
[Esc] v. make less visible or unclear
[Esc] v. act as a friend to someone by offering help or support
[Esc] a. having been delayed; done or sent too late
[Esc] v. contradict; give a false impression
[Esc] n. gift giver; person who gives people or institutions with financial help
[Esc] a. helpful; tending to promote physical well-being
[Esc] a. generous in providing aid to others; charitable
[Esc] v. deprive and make desolate, especially by death
[Esc] v. spread or daub a surface; smear or cover with a greasy or sticky substance
[Esc] v. cause oneself to consider something; consider or ponder something carefully
[Esc] v. become of; happen especially as if by fate
[Esc] v. become engaged to marry; promise to marry
[Esc] n. two surfaces meeting at an angle different from 90 degrees
[Esc] n. large group; a group of animals or birds, especially larks or quail
[Esc] n. a quarrel about petty points
[Esc] n. a right or privilege that you are entitled to at birth; personal characteristics that are inherited at birth
[Esc] v. cut in half or cut in two
[Esc] n. someone who gossips indiscreetly
[Esc] ad. in a joyous manner; in a happy or carefree manner
[Esc] a. extremely alarming; causing terror or horror
[Esc] a. rough and stormy; loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline
[Esc] v. support or prop up with or as if with a long narrow pillow or cushion
[Esc] n. pompous or pretentious talk or writing
[Esc] n. the kinship relation between a male offspring and the siblings; the feeling that men should treat one another like brothers
[Esc] v. support physically; prop up; support something or someone by supplying evidence
[Esc] a. emotionally hardened; unfeeling; toughened
[Esc] a. related to dogs; dog-like; affecting or derived from dogs
[Esc] n. feature that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe recognizably; a distinguishing mark or trait
[Esc] n. the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
[Esc] n. situation; condition; detail accompanying or surrounding an event
[Esc] v. quote; adduce as an instance
[Esc] a. having an outer covering especially of thin metal; wearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination
[Esc] n. noise; loud outcry; expression of discontent or protest
[Esc] n. abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces
[Esc] a. split or divided in two
[Esc] n. silky envelope spun by the larvae of many insects to protect pupas and by spiders to protect eggs
[Esc] a. capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited
[Esc] n. first existence of anything; act or fact of commencing; rise; origin; beginning; start
[Esc] n. person authorized by a commission to perform certain duties; member of a commission
[Esc] a. feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; devoted
[Esc] v. put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources
[Esc] a. treated with confidence; trusted in; trustworthy; secret
[Esc] n. additional proof that something that was believed
[Esc] a. large destructive fire; burning; large-scale military conflict
[Esc] a. wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly; diligent; responsible; reliable
[Esc] n. having knowledge of ; special awareness or sensitivity:
[Esc] ad. therefore; as a result or consequence of something; subsequently
[Esc] a. worthy of consideration; large in amount, extent, or degree
[Esc] n. harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts
[Esc] v. make solid; unite or press together into a compact mass; harden or make dense and firm
[Esc] ad. in a prominent way; in a manner tending to attract attention
[Esc] a. deeply or seriously thoughtful
[Esc] a. worthy of contempt; deserving of scorn or disdain; mean
[Esc] a. continuing in time or space without interruption; extending without break or irregularity
[Esc] n. goods whose importation or exportation or possession is prohibited by law
[Esc] a. giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement; disputable
[Esc] a. returning to health after illness or debility
[Esc] ad. in a hearty manner; in a warm and friendly way
[Esc] n. an army unit usually consisting of two or more divisions; a body of people associated together
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