Spelling Words for 7th Grade (List 8)

Grade 7: Worksheet - 8
Middle School Words: Spelling Words for 7th Grade (List 8), random words are selected for the Word Match worksheet. This sheet is created dynamically, every sheet is different from the previous ones. You can download and print the worksheet from your browser directly.

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 Worksheet - Middle School Words: Spelling Words for 7th Grade (List 8)

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Middle School Words: Spelling Words for 7th Grade (List 8)

1: n. groups of cells that make particular parts of the body
2: a. metropolitan; of or in a city or town
3: n. the quality of being worthy of attention; importance
4: n. a student studying in the second year at a US college or high school
5: n. protective covering or structure; a large, flat object made of metal or leather that soldiers held to protect themselves
6: n. someone who is less successful than they should be at school or at work

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