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(ультрафиолетового) wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays

Spelling Word: ultraviolet
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a. Syn. uniform; agreed
(единодушны) uniform; in complete agreement

Spelling Word: unanimous
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a. Syn. awkward
(неуклюжий) awkward; lacking grace in movement or posture

Spelling Word: ungainly
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v. Syn. integrate; unite
(унификации) integrate; make into or become one unit

Spelling Word: unify
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v. Syn. utilize
(использование) make useful; find a practical use for; utilize

Spelling Word: utilise
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(действия) quality of having legal force or effectiveness

Spelling Word: validity
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(меняться) change aspect of; alter in form, appearance, substance, position; make different by a partial change; modify

Spelling Word: vary
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v. Syn. exonerate
(оправдать) clear from blame; exonerate; maintain, uphold, or defend

Spelling Word: vindicate
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a. Syn. cautious
(осторожны) very cautious; on guard; watchful

Spelling Word: wary
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(клин) a piece of metal, or other hard material, thick at one end, and tapering to a thin edge at the other, used in splitting wood, rocks

Spelling Word: wedge