DISAGREEABLE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
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 Current Search - disagreeable in Great Expectations
1  This was very disagreeable to a guilty mind.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter III
2  If it's not in any way disagreeable to you, you'll oblige me by doing the same.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XXV
3  His eyes were set very deep in his head, and were disagreeably sharp and suspicious.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XI
4  He ate in a ravenous way that was very disagreeable, and all his actions were uncouth, noisy, and greedy.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XL
5  Estella smiled with perfect composure, and said she had no doubt of my having been quite right, and of her having been very disagreeable.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XXIX
6  It was interesting to be in the quiet old town once more, and it was not disagreeable to be here and there suddenly recognized and stared after.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XXX
7  As I walked on to the hotel, I felt that a dread, much exceeding the mere apprehension of a painful or disagreeable recognition, made me tremble.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XXVIII
8  I told him I had come up again to say how sorry I was that anything disagreeable should have occurred, and that I hoped he would not blame me much.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XXVI
9  There was such a malignant enjoyment in her utterance of the last words, and she broke into such a disagreeable laugh, that I was at a loss what to say.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XV
10  There was a supper-tray after we got home at night, and I think we should all have enjoyed ourselves, but for a rather disagreeable domestic occurrence.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XXIII
11  The bull-like proceeding last mentioned, besides that it was unquestionably to be regarded in the light of a liberty, was particularly disagreeable just after bread and meat.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XI
12  Eight o'clock had struck before I got into the air, that was scented, not disagreeably, by the chips and shavings of the long-shore boat-builders, and mast, oar, and block makers.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In Chapter XLVI