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Group 3 - Matching Quizzes |
(meander) follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction | |
(अपराध) slight offense; small sin or fault | |
(साहित्यिक चोरी) theft of another's ideas or writings passed off as original | |
(निकटता) state of being proximate; nearness in place, time, or relation |
(साधारण) moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; commonplace | |
(विकृत) stubbornly wrongheaded; directed away from what is right or good | |
(meander) follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction | |
(निकटता) state of being proximate; nearness in place, time, or relation |
(कुख्यात) disreputable; known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous | |
(रूढ़िवादी) one who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning | |
(सूक्ष्म जगत) small, representative system having analogies to larger system; miniature model of something | |
(meander) follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction |
(पूर्वानुमान) forecasted course of a disease; forecast or prediction; likelihood of recovery from a disease | |
(मनुष्यद्रोही) one who hates or mistrusts mankind | |
(हठी) hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness; not giving in to persuasion | |
(विशेषाधिकार) privilege; unquestionable right; exclusive power to command |
(मिथ्या नाम) error in naming person or place; name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object | |
(सूक्ष्म जगत) small, representative system having analogies to larger system; miniature model of something | |
(हठी) hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness; not giving in to persuasion | |
(दायित्व) burden or obligation; difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity |
(एकालाप) speech uttered by a person alone; dramatic soliloquy | |
(आर्थिक) relating to money; requiring payment of money | |
(रूढ़िवादी) one who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning | |
(हठी) hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness; not giving in to persuasion |
(रात) of or relating to or occurring in the night; most active at night | |
(दायित्व) burden or obligation; difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity | |
(समाज से बाहर निकालना) exclude from community or group; banish by popular vote | |
(अनिश्चित) uncertain; risky; dangerously lacking in security or stability |
(निकटता) state of being proximate; nearness in place, time, or relation | |
(आर्थिक) relating to money; requiring payment of money | |
(गंदा) foul-smelling; offensive by arousing disgust; harmful or dangerous | |
(असामयिक) advanced in development; appearing or developing early |
(विकृत) stubbornly wrongheaded; directed away from what is right or good | |
(अलंघ्य) offensively self-assured; dictatorial; not allowing contradiction or refusal | |
(आर्थिक) relating to money; requiring payment of money | |
(meander) follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction |
(विशेषाधिकार) privilege; unquestionable right; exclusive power to command | |
(क्षमता) quality of endurance and courage; good temperament and character | |
(विरोधाभास) something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct | |
(सर्वसाधारण) crude or coarse; unrefined or coarse in nature or manner; common or vulgar |