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Group 4 - Matching Quizzes |
(सुगन्धित) fragrant; odorous; suggestive of odor | |
(लचीला) elastic; having power of springing back or recover readily | |
(विलक्षण) idealistic without regard to practicality | |
(कड़े) demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; binding; rigid |
(तुच्छ) unimportant; of little significance or value; ordinary; commonplace | |
(पाखण्डी) disloyal person; traitor or rebel | |
(खंडन) disprove; prove to be false or incorrect | |
(writhe) move in twisting or contorted motion; contort in pain |
(भयावह) suggesting or threatening evil | |
(लेटा हुआ) reclining; lying down completely or in part | |
(turgid) swollen; distended; excessively ornate or complex in style or language | |
(रसीला) full of juicy; full of richness; highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable |
(तापस) indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain | |
(रसीला) full of juicy; full of richness; highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable | |
(निँदासा) sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness | |
(कट्टरपंथी) fanatically committed person; person who shows excessive zeal |
(turgid) swollen; distended; excessively ornate or complex in style or language | |
(तापस) indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain | |
(truculent) disposed to fight; belligerent; aggressively hostile | |
(प्रभु) having supreme rank or power; self governing; excellent; independent |
(आदरणीय) deserving high respect; impressive by reason of age; profoundly honored | |
(दाँतेदार) say, state, or perform again or repeatedly | |
(निँदासा) sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness | |
(कड़े) demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; binding; rigid |
(tremulous) marked by trembling, quivering, or shaking; timid or fearful; timorous | |
(आदरणीय) deserving high respect; impressive by reason of age; profoundly honored | |
(बहुमुखी) having many talents; capable of working in many fields | |
(रसीला) full of juicy; full of richness; highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable |
(सुगन्धित) fragrant; odorous; suggestive of odor | |
(अपमानपूर्वक) marked by harsh spoken or written abuse; scolding | |
(मूर्त) able to be touched; real or concrete; palpable | |
(पवित्र) regarded as sacred and inviolable |
(अपमानपूर्वक) marked by harsh spoken or written abuse; scolding | |
(शांत) free from disturbance; pacific | |
(vicarious) acting as substitute; done by deputy; experienced at secondhand | |
(पवित्र) regarded as sacred and inviolable |
(sinecure) well-paid position with little responsibility | |
(बढाया हुआ) formidable; arousing fear or awe; worthy of respect or honor | |
(माफ) give up temporarily; yield; give up voluntarily; defer | |
(tremulous) marked by trembling, quivering, or shaking; timid or fearful; timorous |