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(幼苗) young plant or tree grown from seed; produced from seed

Spelling Word: seedling
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(装运,装载的货物) sending of cargo; act of sending off something

Spelling Word: shipment
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v. Syn. contract; compress
(收缩,缩小) become smaller or draw together; compress

Spelling Word: shrink
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(信号,暗号,导致其他事情发生的行为) a sign made for the purpose of giving notice to a person

Spelling Word: signal
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a. Syn. noteworthy; important
(有意义的,重要的,重大的) fairly large; important in effect or meaning

Spelling Word: significant
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a. Syn. slim; thin
(苗条的,纤细的,微少的) having little width in proportion to height or length; long and thin

Spelling Word: slender
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a. Syn. smooth
((物体表面)滑的,光滑的) smooth; being such as to cause things to slip or slide

Spelling Word: slippery
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n. Syn. unity; accord
(团结,团结一致) union of interests, purposes, or sympathies among members of a group; accord

Spelling Word: solidarity
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(以某种方式,以某种方法,莫明其妙地) in one way or another; in some way not yet known; by some means

Spelling Word: somehow
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v. Syn. pour
(溢出) pour; sudden drop from an upright position; flow or run out

Spelling Word: spill