[Esc] (1) n. Syn. fluid (树液,汁液) watery fluid that circulates through a plant, carrying food and other substances to the various tissues; essential bodily fluid
[Esc] (2) a. Syn. worldly; temporal (世俗的,现世的,永久的) worldly rather than spiritual; not specifically relating to religion; lasting from century to century
[Esc] (3) n. Syn. mark (记号,姿势,信号,告示,标语) public display of message; visible mark or indication
[Esc] (4) v. (沉浸,下降,降低,变小,减少,减低价值) fall by, force of gravity; descend lower; decline gradually; enter deeply
[Esc] (5) n. (标语) phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion
[Esc] (6) v. (零食,点心,小吃) eat light informal meal; eat lightly
[Esc] (7) n. Syn. unity; accord (团结,团结一致) union of interests, purposes, or sympathies among members of a group; accord
[Esc] (8) n. (发言人,代言人) man who speaks on behalf of another or others
[Esc] (9) n. (海绵) soaking up; small absorbent contraceptive pad, used for bathing or cleaning
[Esc] (10) ad. Syn. naturally (自然地,本能地) without advance preparation; naturally