Nowadays, more and more people want to get things done instantly, such as services and information. Why is this? Is it a positive or negative development?

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 IELTS Academic Essay Answers - #7153
Nowadays, more and more people want to get things done instantly (such as services, information, and tasks). Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Answer Hints:
Your essay should have two parts: the reason and the result. In the latter, you may emphasize either positive or negative development in your view.

  • Human nature wants a quicker response to any requirements.
  • Modern technologies give possibilities to offer instant services and information.
  • Time is money and is a key resource in a fast-paced society.
Result - Positive
  • More efficiently in service and production.
  • Having more options before selecting means a better decision.
  • Take urgent actions for emergent cases.
  • Minimize the delay to fix any error or accident.
Result - Negative
  • Instant or fast culture drives people to focus on the final result.
  • It declines the patience and resilience of people in work and life.
  • It blocks engaging in deep learning to address a complicated problem.
  • It encourages superficial understanding rather than comprehensive knowledge.
Answer 1
In today's fast-paced world, the demand for instant services and information has surged dramatically...

One primary reason for the increasing desire for instant results is the rapid evolution of technology...

Another factor is the psychological appeal of instant gratification. Human beings are naturally inclined to seek pleasure and avoid delay...

However, this trend has drawbacks. Reliance on instant services can lead to a decline in patience and resilience...

Moreover, the emphasis on speed can sometimes compromise quality. Hastily delivered services may overlook critical details, leading to errors or dissatisfaction...

In conclusion, although the desire for instant services and information reflects a natural adaptation to modern advancements, offering significant benefits in terms of convenience and efficiency, its implications are both positive and negative...
Band: 8
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IELTS Essay Format:
-The essay is too long, try to shrink it.
-You had better rewrite the essay to 4 or 5 paragraphs.