3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (11) - Matching Quizzes |
(توبيخ) scold harshly; criticize severely | |
(متقطع) in irregular or unpredictable manner | |
(مقطع) unit of poem, written or printed as a paragraph | |
(العفوية) naturalness; freedom from constraint; happening or arising without external cause; self-generated |
(براءحه) fragrant; odorous; suggestive of odor | |
(التعايش) interdependent relationship between groups or species, often mutually beneficial | |
(سفيه) coarse or indecent; humorously vulgar or offensive | |
(قداس) mass for dead; song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as memorial |
(الهفوه) error in use of language, especially intentional use of misspelling or incorrect grammar ; violation of the conventional rules of society | |
(التقشف) cut down; reduce; restrict; economize | |
(ألخص) summarize; repeat in concise form | |
(تجديد) renovate; make bright by polishing |
(تشنجي) affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions; periodic | |
(زائفة) false; counterfeit; forged; illogical | |
(تأهيل) restore to proper condition; help to re-adapt, as to former state of health or good repute | |
(غليظ) dull, unimaginative, and commonplace; old-fashioned; stuffy |
(مستودع) surviving remnant; something left after loss or decay; object kept for its association with the past | |
(طلب) express the need or desire for; ask for | |
(البقاء) existence; remaining alive | |
(سفيه) coarse or indecent; humorously vulgar or offensive |
(التعايش) interdependent relationship between groups or species, often mutually beneficial | |
(الاحتجاج) expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, especially formal statement of grievances | |
(التقشف) cut down; reduce; restrict; economize | |
(بسهولة) easily; quickly; in a prompt, timely manner; promptly |
(التقشف) cut down; reduce; restrict; economize | |
(مذهل) in a spectacular manner; extraordinarily, amazingly | |
(المخزون) put down by force or intimidation ; restrain; crush; oppress; conceal or hide | |
(الشتلات) young plant or tree grown from seed; produced from seed |
(التقشف) cut down; reduce; restrict; economize | |
(تصبب عرقا) be oppressed by heat; suffer terribly from intense heat | |
(البقاء) existence; remaining alive | |
(الحزمه غمد) enclose with protective covering; encase; cover up or hide |
(طلب) express the need or desire for; ask for | |
(تشنجي) affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions; periodic | |
(مقطع) unit of poem, written or printed as a paragraph | |
(رضا) fulfillment or gratification of a desire, need, or appetite; source or means of gratification |
(التقشف) cut down; reduce; restrict; economize | |
(التعايش) interdependent relationship between groups or species, often mutually beneficial | |
(لقب) nickname; familiar name for person, typically shortened version of given name | |
(الموقع) framework; internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape |