3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (3) - Matching Quizzes |
(تمويه) exploit natural surroundings to disguise something; conceal | |
(الفوضى) in utter disorder; lacking visible order or organization | |
(التماسك) tendency to keep together | |
(أدب) rid of excess; refine or purify; correct by punishment or reproof |
(متوافق) harmonious; having similar disposition and tastes | |
(تقييد) restrain; keep within close bounds; confine | |
(الفوضى) in utter disorder; lacking visible order or organization | |
(كانتو) part or division of poem of some length |
(نكشر) close tightly; grasp or grip tightly; fasten with a clinch | |
(عازب) unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse | |
(الالتفاف) surround an enemy; enclose or entrap; beat by cleverness and wit | |
(إخفاء) keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; secrete |
(التقاء) act of two things flowing together; junction or meeting place where two things meet | |
(أدب) rid of excess; refine or purify; correct by punishment or reproof | |
(ملتوية) being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct | |
(تقييد) restrain; keep within close bounds; confine |
(تقييد) restrain; keep within close bounds; confine | |
(صفراوي) hot-tempered; easily angered; bad-tempered; expressing anger | |
(المزيفة) make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge | |
(تواصل) join, or fasten together; associate; combine; unite or link together |
(ملتوية) being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct | |
(تستدعهم) festive; occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company | |
(الخرائط) one who makes maps or charts | |
(أدب) rid of excess; refine or purify; correct by punishment or reproof |
(الزهد) self control; self restraint; partial or complete abstention from sexual activity | |
(عشيرة) faction; tribe; division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor; a large group of relatives | |
(الخرائط) one who makes maps or charts | |
(مطابقة) similarity in form or character; agreement |
(طمع) greed; excessive desire, especially for wealth | |
(نكشر) close tightly; grasp or grip tightly; fasten with a clinch | |
(ملتوية) being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct | |
(سببية) implying cause-and-effect relationship |
(التأسيسية) component or part; citizen, voter | |
(تتجمع) combine; fuse; grow together; come together so as to form one whole; unite | |
(قوة الحجة) power of proving or of producing belief; quality of being highly probable or convincing; force; credibility | |
(الخرائط) one who makes maps or charts |
(تواصل) join, or fasten together; associate; combine; unite or link together | |
(التماسك) logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts; state of cohering or sticking together | |
(مطابقة) similarity in form or character; agreement | |
(الفاصل) grasp and hold tightly; attempt to grasp or seize |