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(نصف الكرة) halves; half of a sphere bounded by a great circle

Spelling Word: hemisphere
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(هرطقة) departing from accepted beliefs or standards; oppositional

Spelling Word: heretical
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(غير متجانسة) consisting of dissimilar elements or parts; completely different

Spelling Word: heterogeneous
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(خليط) jumble; mixture of ill-suited elements; something made up of miscellaneous

Spelling Word: hodgepodge
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(الخلل) lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion

Spelling Word: imbalance
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(غير محسوس) difficult to perceive senses or mind

Spelling Word: impalpable
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(بنزاهة) fairly; in an impartial manner

Spelling Word: impartially
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(حالات) rate of occurrence; particular occurrence

Spelling Word: incidence
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(غير مبال) charge; accuse formally of a crime

Spelling Word: indict
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(غضب) enrage; make furious or mad with anger

Spelling Word: infuriate