3000 ECPE Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (C) - Matching Quizzes |
(пушка) great gun; firearm for discharging heavy shot with great force; loop at the top of a bell by which it is hung | |
(любопытство) desire to know or learn | |
(зажим) any of various devices used to join, grip, support, or compress mechanical or structural parts | |
(крошка) small fragment or piece, especially, a small piece of bread or other food; broken or cut off |
(сговоре) secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy | |
(коррелированных) mutually related; showing a statistically significant relationship between the values of two or more variables | |
(резчик) one who divides something into pieces by cutting; making decorative wooden panels | |
(петь) utter with a melodious voice; celebrate in song; make melody with the voice |
(авария) serious or fatal accident; someone injured or killed in an accident | |
(рушиться) break into small pieces; cause to fall in pieces | |
(сохранение) retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste | |
(концессии) act of yielding; point yielded; acknowledgment or admission |
(хронических) lasting for long period; marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases | |
(деформации) fall apart; fold or collapse; crush together or press into wrinkles | |
(ротор) form into coiled or spiral shape; twist into ringlets or coils; move in curve or spiral | |
(консультации) seek advice or information of; take into account; consider |
(слияния) union of diverse things into one body or form or group; growing together of parts | |
(противодействия) negate; act against | |
(компенсации) something given or received as payment as for a service or loss or injury | |
(ограничить) limit narrowly; confine; draw a line around; encircle |
(гражданские) relating to city or citizen; relating to man as a member of society | |
(небрежного) negligent; taking insufficient care | |
(цепляться) hold fast or adhere to something; stick together and resist separation; remain emotionally | |
(ротор) form into coiled or spiral shape; twist into ringlets or coils; move in curve or spiral |
(авария) serious or fatal accident; someone injured or killed in an accident | |
(трупный) like corpse; pale; Having appearance or color of dead human body | |
(пушка) great gun; firearm for discharging heavy shot with great force; loop at the top of a bell by which it is hung | |
(кульминации) upward movement; steady increase; the highest point; the greatest degree |
(колыбели) small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers; infancy, or very early life | |
(отделение) one of parts or spaces into which an area is subdivided; separate room, section, or chamber | |
(клинических) involving or based on direct observation of the patient; unemotional | |
(гражданские) relating to city or citizen; relating to man as a member of society |
(трупный) like corpse; pale; Having appearance or color of dead human body | |
(колониального) of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony | |
(концессии) act of yielding; point yielded; acknowledgment or admission | |
(кометного) of or relating to or resembling a comet |
(авария) serious or fatal accident; someone injured or killed in an accident | |
(значительные) worthy of consideration; large in amount, extent, or degree | |
(сохранение) retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste | |
(коррелированных) mutually related; showing a statistically significant relationship between the values of two or more variables |