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ad. Syn. similarly
(동감) similarly; as well; too

Spelling Word: likewise
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(쓰레기) make untidy by discarding rubbish carelessly; scatter about

Spelling Word: litter
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(별장) small house on the grounds of an estate or a park, used by a caretaker or gatekeeper

Spelling Word: lodge
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a. Syn. laughable; trifling
(미친) laughable; completely devoid of wisdom or good sense

Spelling Word: ludicrous
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n. Syn. opulence; extravagance
(고급) something that is an indulgence rather than necessity; excessively expensive

Spelling Word: luxury
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(마술사) one who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience; sorcerer; wizard

Spelling Word: magician
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(주인) most important spring in a mechanical device; chief motivating force

Spelling Word: mainspring
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n. Syn. command; decree
(위임장) authoritative command or instruction; commission of authorizing to administer a territory

Spelling Word: mandate
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n. Syn. covering; envelop
(맨틀) loose sleeveless coat worn over outer garments; cloak as a symbol of authority; covering; envelop

Spelling Word: mantle
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a. Syn. muddy; swampy
(늪의) muddy; swampy; resembling a marsh; boggy; soft and watery

Spelling Word: marshy