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(오아시스) fertile or green spot in a waste or desert

Spelling Word: oasis
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(확률) probability of a specified outcome; likelihood of the occurrence of one thing, as in a contest

Spelling Word: odds
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n. Syn. scent; smell
(냄새) scent; property or quality of a thing that affects, stimulates, or is perceived by the sense of smell

Spelling Word: odor
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(선택 해제) tendency to expect the best possible outcome; belief that the universe is improving and good will win over evil

Spelling Word: optimism
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n. Syn. march; procession
(퍼레이드) march in a procession; ceremonial procession; visible display

Spelling Word: parade
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(천문관) apparatus or model representing the solar system; display museum in which images of stars are projected onto a domed ceiling

Spelling Word: planetarium
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n. Syn. predicament
(맹세) condition or state, especially a bad state or condition

Spelling Word: plight
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(찌를) push at, as with a finger or an arm; search or look curiously; proceed in slow or lazy manner; thrust forward

Spelling Word: poke
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v. Syn. contaminate; defile; profane
(오염) make impure; make unfit for or harmful to living things, especially by the addition of waste matter

Spelling Word: pollute
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a. Syn. principal; dominant; overpowering
(주된) most frequent or common; having superior power and influence

Spelling Word: predominant