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(سجانا) delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns; rope; cord that is drawn through eyelets

Spelling Word: lace
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a. Syn. main; principal
(اہم) chief; principal; having a position in the lead; foremost

Spelling Word: leading
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n. Syn. rent; charter
(لیز) rent; charter; engage for service under a term of contract

Spelling Word: lease
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(magnetosphere) magnetic field of a planet

Spelling Word: magnetosphere
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n. Syn. command; decree
(مینڈیٹ) authoritative command or instruction; commission of authorizing to administer a territory

Spelling Word: mandate
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a. Syn. evident; visible; obvious; apparent
(صریح) clearly apparent to understanding; obvious

Spelling Word: manifest
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n. Syn. revelation; indication
(اظہار) revelation; indication of the existence, reality, or presence of something

Spelling Word: manifestation
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n. Syn. wonder; miracle
(اچنبا) wonder; strong surprise; astonishment

Spelling Word: marvel
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a. Syn. melodious; tuneful
(melodic) melodious; tuneful; of the nature of melody

Spelling Word: melodic
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(موسم اشتھانی) specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions

Spelling Word: meteorologist