2nd Grade Sight Words Quiz Card

Grade 2: Quiz Card - 1
These spelling quiz cards are of all 2nd Grade sight words (1). Your spelling practice is under the hints of either pronunciation, sample usage, or explanation. The app provides interactive features to assist your spelling, like listening repeatedly or guessing unknown letters. It can improve your spelling skills as well as evaluate your spelling performance.

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 Grade 2: Quiz Card - 1
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Speak [Esc]  pron. a reflexive form of him

Spelling Word: himself
Speak [Esc]  ad. at the present time; now

Spelling Word: yet
Speak [Esc]  conj. in spite of the fact that

Spelling Word: though
Speak [Esc]  prep. in or into physical contact with something

Spelling Word: against
Speak [Esc]  ad. at all times, always, at any time

Spelling Word: ever
Speak [Esc]  ad. not at all

Spelling Word: nothing
Speak [Esc]  n. an intense feeling of deep affection

Spelling Word: love
Speak [Esc]  n. a competitor who holds a preeminent position

Spelling Word: king
Speak [Esc]  n. organ that pumps blood through the body

Spelling Word: heart
Speak [Esc]  a. complete

Spelling Word: whole
Speak [Esc]  v. (past tense) perceive by the ear, listen to, give or pay attention to

Spelling Word: heard
Speak [Esc]  v. (past tense) give information in spoken or written words

Spelling Word: told
Speak [Esc]  v. (past participle) look at, perceive things mentally, understand

Spelling Word: seen
Speak [Esc]  n. an indefinitely short period of time; instant

Spelling Word: moment
Speak [Esc]  prep. in connection with

Spelling Word: among
Speak [Esc]  n. subject

Spelling Word: course
Speak [Esc]  v. can not

Spelling Word: cannot
Speak [Esc]  ad. nevertheless; yet

Spelling Word: however
Speak [Esc]  ad. completely, wholly, or entirely

Spelling Word: quite
Speak [Esc]  v. (past tense) come to a place with, cause to appear in the mind

Spelling Word: brought
Speak [Esc]  v. (past tense) have a sensation of something, other than by sight, hearing, taste, or smell

Spelling Word: felt
Speak [Esc]  ad. from then till now

Spelling Word: since
Speak [Esc]  n. ability to do

Spelling Word: power
Speak [Esc]  pron. an emphatic form of them or they

Spelling Word: themselves
Speak [Esc]  a. in a particular place

Spelling Word: present
Speak [Esc]  v. express something in words

Spelling Word: voice
Speak [Esc]  ad. not so much

Spelling Word: less
Speak [Esc]  a. having little or no money, goods, or other means of support

Spelling Word: poor
Speak [Esc]  v. (past tense) maintain an upright position, support by one's feet

Spelling Word: stood
Speak [Esc]  ad. inside; indoors

Spelling Word: within
Speak [Esc]  v. be of importance

Spelling Word: matter
Speak [Esc]  a. confident; sure

Spelling Word: certain
Speak [Esc]  ad. in part; partly

Spelling Word: half
Speak [Esc]  v. give a instruction to do something

Spelling Word: order
Speak [Esc]  a. conforming to reality or fact

Spelling Word: true
Speak [Esc]  pron. used to refer to a thing, no matter what

Spelling Word: anything
Speak [Esc]  v. accept as true; take to be true

Spelling Word: believe