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 Grade 2: Quiz Card - 5
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Speak [Esc]  n. a line leading to a place or point

Spelling Word: direction
Speak [Esc]  n. a small community or group of houses in a rural area

Spelling Word: village
Speak [Esc]  n. an area of open land

Spelling Word: field
Speak [Esc]  n. a separate portion of something

Spelling Word: piece
Speak [Esc]  n. any agreeable, pleasing and harmonious, sounds

Spelling Word: music
Speak [Esc]  prep. for each; for every

Spelling Word: per
Speak [Esc]  n. the warmest season of the year

Spelling Word: summer
Speak [Esc]  n. a period of 100 years

Spelling Word: century
Speak [Esc]  a. not hard or stiff

Spelling Word: soft
Speak [Esc]  v. make or manufacture, create, bring forth

Spelling Word: produce
Speak [Esc]  ad. under normal conditions, commonplace

Spelling Word: usually
Speak [Esc]  n. a piece of land surrounded by water

Spelling Word: island
Speak [Esc]  n. the territory or country itself

Spelling Word: nation
Speak [Esc]  n. the region of the clouds or the upper air

Spelling Word: sky
Speak [Esc]  n. the position at an equal distance from the sides

Spelling Word: middle
Speak [Esc]  n. the coldest season of the year

Spelling Word: winter
Speak [Esc]  n. an arrangement, especially one that has been carefully

Spelling Word: plan
Speak [Esc]  n. a sudden unexpected event, fact, or thing

Spelling Word: surprise
Speak [Esc]  n. the 1/60 of an hour; sixty seconds

Spelling Word: minute
Speak [Esc]  v. go before or with to show the way

Spelling Word: lead
Speak [Esc]  a. having a good figure

Spelling Word: built
Speak [Esc]  n. a hard and transparent substance produced by fusion

Spelling Word: glass
Speak [Esc]  a. finished; ended

Spelling Word: complete
Speak [Esc]  v. (past participle) make known to, guide

Spelling Word: shown
Speak [Esc]  a. chief in size; importance; principal; leading

Spelling Word: main
Speak [Esc]  ad. a great deal; much

Spelling Word: lot
Speak [Esc]  n. a principle

Spelling Word: rule
Speak [Esc]  n. a note, item, or brief article

Spelling Word: paragraph
Speak [Esc]  a. being a particular one

Spelling Word: special
Speak [Esc]  v. could not

Spelling Word: couldn
Speak [Esc]  n. an empty area

Spelling Word: space
Speak [Esc]  n. a strong, hard magnetic silvery-gray metal

Spelling Word: iron
Speak [Esc]  a. recognizable; unquestionable

Spelling Word: decided
Speak [Esc]  n. (plural) items worn to cover the body

Spelling Word: clothes
Speak [Esc]  n. a gesture used to convey information

Spelling Word: sign
Speak [Esc]  n. people or things are not the same

Spelling Word: difference
Speak [Esc]  a. ended or completed

Spelling Word: finished