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/ə'bændən/ n. Syn. relinquish
lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm

Spelling Word: abandon
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/æb'sti:mɪəs/ a. Syn. temperate
sparing or moderation in eating and drinking; temperate

Spelling Word: abstemious
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/æk'si:d/ v. Syn. agree; assent; concede
agree; give consent, often at insistence of another; concede

Spelling Word: accede
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/ædmɒ'nɪʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. warning
gentle or friendly reproof; cautionary advice or warning

Spelling Word: admonition
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/'ædvɜrs/ a. Syn. unfavorable; hostile
in opposing direction; harmful or unfavorable; acting or serving to oppose

Spelling Word: adverse
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/ə'lu:d/ v. Syn. imply; refer
refer casually or indirectly, or by suggestion

Spelling Word: allude
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/ə'ljʊə(r)/ v. Syn. entice; attract
attract with something desirable; be highly, often subtly attractive

Spelling Word: allure
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/ə'nælədʒɪ/ n. Syn. similarity; parallelism
similarity in some respects; comparison based on similarity

Spelling Word: analogy
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/æn'tɪθəsɪs/ n. Syn. contrast
contrast; direct contrast; opposition

Spelling Word: antithesis
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/'æpəθɪ/ n. Syn. indifference
lack of caring; indifference

Spelling Word: apathy