3000 TOEIC Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (S) - Matching Quizzes |
(छात्रवृत्ति) knowledge resulting from study and research; grant of financial aid awarded to student | |
(बहार) season of growth; season of spring | |
(फैल) pour; sudden drop from an upright position; flow or run out | |
(तश्तरी) soaked; drenched; unable to hold or contain more; full |
(सुरक्षित) free from fear, care, or anxiety; not have reason to doubt | |
(शटल) public transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that run between two points; spacecraft | |
(बहार) season of growth; season of spring | |
(विध्वंसक) tending to overthrow; in opposition to civil authority or government |
(बहार) season of growth; season of spring | |
(टेढ़ा) winding; bending in and out; not morally honest | |
(स्टीरियो) stereophonic sound-reproduction system | |
(अर्थ) faculty through which to know external world; feeling produced by stimulus |
(स्टीरियो) stereophonic sound-reproduction system | |
(विभाजित) break apart; cut; devide | |
(घेराबंदी) seat, especially a royal seat; throne; rank; grade; sitting before a fortified place; surrounding or investing of a place by army | |
(atomization) relatively low annual rainfall of 25 to 50 centimeters |
(अल्पज्ञता) spectacles that are darkened to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun | |
(फिसलन) smooth; being such as to cause things to slip or slide | |
(पर्याय) having the same or a similar meaning; identical; equivalent | |
(शटल) public transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that run between two points; spacecraft |
(घेराबंदी) seat, especially a royal seat; throne; rank; grade; sitting before a fortified place; surrounding or investing of a place by army | |
(strikingly पनडुब्बी) using artistic forms and conventions to create effects; not natural or spontaneous | |
(स्प्रे) a quantity of small objects flying through air | |
(सरासर) very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute or pure |
(छात्रवृत्ति) knowledge resulting from study and research; grant of financial aid awarded to student | |
(squarely) solidly; in a straight direct way; in a square shape | |
(अल्पज्ञता) spectacles that are darkened to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun | |
(दर्शक) observer; audience; one who looks on |
(प्रधान) principal raw material or commodity produced in a region; principal element | |
(गुंजाइश) range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; extent; bound | |
(अल्पज्ञता) spectacles that are darkened to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun | |
(दृश्यावली) landscape; view; view or views of natural features, especially in open country |
(गुंजाइश) range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; extent; bound | |
(स्टार्च) naturally abundant nutrient carbohydrate, found chiefly in the seeds, fruits | |
(फिसलन) smooth; being such as to cause things to slip or slide | |
(विध्वंसक) tending to overthrow; in opposition to civil authority or government |
(स्टेम) stop flow of a liquid; make headway against | |
(दलदल) low land that is seasonally flooded; low land region saturated with water | |
(दृश्यावली) landscape; view; view or views of natural features, especially in open country | |
(निगरानी) administer; direct |