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(齿轮,传动装置,排挡) toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, to transmit motion or to change speed or direction

Spelling Word: gear
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(世代,一代人) all offspring at same stage from common ancestor; interval of time between the birth of parents and their offspring

Spelling Word: generation
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a. Syn. general
(普通的) of an entire group or class; general

Spelling Word: generic
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(上釉) thin smooth shiny coating; glassy film, as one over the eyes

Spelling Word: glaze
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a. Syn. noble; excellent; splendid
(光荣的,美丽的,灿烂的) having or deserving glory; famous; characterized by great beauty and splendor; magnificent; wonderful

Spelling Word: glorious
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v. Syn. feed
(吃青草) scrape gently; feed on growing grasses and herbage

Spelling Word: graze
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v. Syn. begrudge
(吝啬,不满) be unwilling or reluctant to give or admit; be envious; show discontent

Spelling Word: grudge
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(犯罪的,有罪的,内疚的) deserving of blame; adjudged to have committed crime

Spelling Word: guilty
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(漂亮的,英俊的) skillful; handy; agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance; attractive

Spelling Word: handsome
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n. Syn. utilize
(利用, 马具) stable gear consisting of an arrangement to an animal so that it can be attached to and pull a cart

Spelling Word: harness