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n. Syn. idol
(偶像,象征,图标) religious image; idol; important and enduring symbol

Spelling Word: icon
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(无差别,无分别,混淆:缺乏辨认识别或判定) unfair treatment; lack of discrimination or judgment

Spelling Word: indiscrimination
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a. Syn. inappropriate; incompetent
(不相称的,不合适的,不称职的) lacking of judgment, sense, or reason; unsuited; inappropriate; foolish

Spelling Word: inept
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ad. Syn. unavoidably; inescapably
(不可避免地,必然地) unavoidably; in a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent

Spelling Word: inevitably
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(自卑感) state of being lower than or not as good as

Spelling Word: inferiority
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v. Syn. restrain; prevent
(限制,防止,阻碍) restrain; prevent or forbid; hold back

Spelling Word: inhibit
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a. Syn. preliminary
(最初的,初始的) early; preliminary; occurring at the beginning

Spelling Word: initial
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(主动,首创精神) serving to initiate; introductory step or movement; act which originates or begins

Spelling Word: initiative
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v. Syn. put in; infuse
(注射,注入,灌溉) put in; infuse ; force or drive fluid into something

Spelling Word: inject
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(学院,学会,协会) advance or set forth in court; association organized to promote art or science or education

Spelling Word: institute