Question: Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space. Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money on our basic needs. Which of these two opinions do you agree with?
Answer 1
Space research costs money, like many other research. Some people agree that space programs deserve money spent on them...
Technological advances which have resulted from space innovations are beneficial to mankind. First, satellite technology plays a significant role on a daily basis, being used for broadcasting and weather forecasting...
By contrast, some think the expenditure is desperately needed to tackle pressing problems like poverty and environmental issues...
In conclusion, many urgent issues need a considerable sum of money to deal with, but I agree with continuing space exploration due to its benefits to our lives...
Sentences: Number: 16; Average Length: 118 characters; Words/Sentence: 18
Suggestions: IELTS Essay Format: -The conclusion is too simple, rewrite to summarize your points. -High-ratio basic sight words may degrade your writing; suggest rephrasing some. -Suggest using a few rare or uncommon words to demonstrate your vocabulary range and level.
Answer 2
There is an argument that exploring space is a waste of money and that there are more urgent needs to be addressed on Earth, such as reducing poverty and preventing environmental destruction...
First, many of the technologies we take for granted today originated thanks to space research. Take satellite technology, for example, which we depend on for broadcasting and weather forecasting...
Second, we cannot foresee the distant future, so we ought to develop the capability to escape from the Earth...
In conclusion, while we undoubtedly face serious problems on our planet, we must continue to explore space...