3000 ECPE Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (E F) - Matching Quizzes |
(編輯的,社論) of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor | |
(不結果實的,無收穫的) unproductive of success; producing no fruit | |
(同等,平等) state or quality of being equal | |
(強調,重點) special attention or effort directed toward something; stress |
(拍動,拍擊聲,拍打) flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side; act of waving or fluttering; blow given with something flat; slap | |
(誇大,誇張) represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate; magnify; do something to an excessive degree | |
(忠誠的) loyal; worthy of trust or belief; reliable | |
(激動,興奮,刺激) state of being emotionally aroused |
(排氣,排氣裝置) gases ejected from an engine as waste products ; use up the whole supply of | |
(編輯的,社論) of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor | |
(激動,興奮,刺激) state of being emotionally aroused | |
(朝生暮死,短暫,短命) short-lived; enduring a very short time |
(估計) judge to be probable; form an opinion about; evaluate | |
(曝光,揭露,暴露(於疾病、惡劣的環境等)的狀態) risk, particularly of being exposed to disease; unmasking; act of laying something open | |
(表皮,皮膚) outer, protective layer of skin of vertebrates | |
(展現,展覽,展品) show, make visible or apparent |
(即將到來的,準備好的,現成的) ready or about to appear; making appearance | |
(預示,預測) tell of or indicate beforehand; predict | |
(擴大,膨脹,擴張) become larger in size or volume; grow stronger; add details | |
(拍動,拍擊聲,拍打) flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side; act of waving or fluttering; blow given with something flat; slap |
(從前,以前) previously;at an earlier time; once | |
(拍動,拍擊聲,拍打) flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side; act of waving or fluttering; blow given with something flat; slap | |
(忠誠的) loyal; worthy of trust or belief; reliable | |
(曝光,揭露,暴露(於疾病、惡劣的環境等)的狀態) risk, particularly of being exposed to disease; unmasking; act of laying something open |
(排氣,排氣裝置) gases ejected from an engine as waste products ; use up the whole supply of | |
(折衷主義) any form of art that borrows from multiple other styles | |
(擴大,膨脹,擴張) become larger in size or volume; grow stronger; add details | |
(飢荒,飢餓) shortage of food; starvation |
(電工) one whose occupation is the installation, maintenance, repair, or operation of electric equipment and circuitry | |
(展現,展覽,展品) show, make visible or apparent | |
(飼養員,奶瓶,進料器) machine that automatically provides a supply of some material; one that supplies food: | |
(流行,風尚,流行式樣) style, shape, appearance, or mode of structure; pattern, model |
(編輯的,社論) of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor | |
(骯髒,粗語) foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; corruption; pollution | |
(女權主義者) one who advocates equal rights for women | |
(瑕疵,缺陷,裂痕) crack or breach; gap or fissure; defect; fault; sudden burst of noise and disorder |
(忠誠的) loyal; worthy of trust or belief; reliable | |
(表皮,皮膚) outer, protective layer of skin of vertebrates | |
(財政的) monetary; pertaining or relating to money matters | |
(瑕疵,缺陷,裂痕) crack or breach; gap or fissure; defect; fault; sudden burst of noise and disorder |