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(口水,唾液) liquid that is produced naturally in the mouth

Spelling Word: saliva
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n. Syn. timetable; agenda
(時間表,計劃表) plan for an activity or event; arrange

Spelling Word: schedule
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n. Syn. statue
(雕塑,雕刻品) statue; creating figures or designs in three dimensions

Spelling Word: sculpture
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n. Syn. term
(學期) term; half a year; a period of 6 months; one of two divisions of an academic year

Spelling Word: semester
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a. Syn. perceptive
(感覺的,感官的) perceptive; involving or derived from the senses

Spelling Word: sensory
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v. Syn. feign; imitate
(模仿,冒充) make a pretence of; reproduce someone's behavior or looks

Spelling Word: simulate
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n. Syn. sleep; rest
(睡眠) sleep; state of inactivity or dormancy

Spelling Word: slumber
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n. Syn. piece; fragment
(小片,片段,摘錄) tiny piece or part; fragment

Spelling Word: snippet
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a. Syn. serious; somber; sober
(嚴肅的,莊嚴的,隆重的) serious; somber; deeply earnest, serious, and sober

Spelling Word: solemn
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(專攻,專門研究,專務) mention specially; particularize; apply to some specialty or limited object

Spelling Word: specialize