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Group 9 - Matching Quizzes |
(удовольствием) nice or keen appreciation or enjoyment; enthusiasm | |
(Порывистый) windy or stormy; given to sudden bursts of passion; excitable; irritable | |
(рычать) utter a deep guttural sound, as angry dog; give forth an angry, grumbling sound; emit low guttural sound | |
(неохотное) unwilling or with reluctance; stingy |
(изверженных) produced under conditions involving intense heat | |
(вкусовых) relating to sense of taste; relating to gustation | |
(истерия) behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic; mental disorder | |
(каши) liquid food made by boiling oatmeal |
(властным) urgent or pressing; able to deal authoritatively; dictatorial | |
(наведении) hang about; wait nearby; remain floating | |
(неблагородно) of lowly origin; not noble in quality, character, or purpose; unworthy | |
(изнурительной) by effort to the point of exhaustion, especially physical effort |
(ужасном) frightfully; terribly; inspiring horror | |
(Чайка) mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs | |
(вкусовых) relating to sense of taste; relating to gustation | |
(кобуру) case of leather or similar material for pistol |
(зернохранилище) building for storing threshed grain; region yielding much grain | |
(седой) gray or white with or as if with age; covered with grayish hair | |
(доверчивых) easily deceived or cheated; easily tricked because of being too trusting | |
(обмануть) deceive; take in by deceptive means; delude |
(неохотное) unwilling or with reluctance; stingy | |
(удовольствием) nice or keen appreciation or enjoyment; enthusiasm | |
(безвозмездно) free, without charge; costing nothing | |
(хаос) wide and general destruction; devastation; waste |
(Порывистый) windy or stormy; given to sudden bursts of passion; excitable; irritable | |
(изнурительной) by effort to the point of exhaustion, especially physical effort | |
(ужасном) frightfully; terribly; inspiring horror | |
(коварство) skillful deceit; disposition to deceive or cheat; disguise cunningly |
(изнурительной) by effort to the point of exhaustion, especially physical effort | |
(беспокоить) irritate or torment persistently; wear out; exhaust | |
(люк) breed; emerge from the egg | |
(опасности) danger; risk |
(наведении) hang about; wait nearby; remain floating | |
(опасности) danger; risk | |
(истерия) behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic; mental disorder | |
(иерархии) arrangement by rank or standing; series in which each element is graded or ranked |
(доверчивых) easily deceived or cheated; easily tricked because of being too trusting | |
(боронованием) agonizing; distressing extremely painful | |
(руль) steering gear of a ship, especially the tiller or wheel; position of leadership or control; director | |
(беспокоить) irritate or torment persistently; wear out; exhaust |