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Group 9 - Matching Quizzes |
(беспечных) unaware, without noticing; unmindful or thoughtless | |
(гуманитарного) philanthropic; one devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms | |
(графит) something used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors | |
(гигиены) cleanliness; sanitation |
(оттенком) color; appearance; particular gradation of color | |
(Heckler) one who harasses others;one who tries to embarrass others with questions and objections | |
(грубый) having rough, surly, or harsh nature | |
(седой) gray or white with or as if with age; covered with grayish hair |
(спящий) sleep throughout winter; be in inactive or dormant state | |
(доверчивых) easily deceived or cheated; easily tricked because of being too trusting | |
(видом) outward appearance or aspect; mode of dress; false appearance | |
(неблагородно) of lowly origin; not noble in quality, character, or purpose; unworthy |
(коварство) skillful deceit; disposition to deceive or cheat; disguise cunningly | |
(лачуги) shack; small, wretched house | |
(беспокоить) irritate or torment persistently; wear out; exhaust | |
(идолопоклонство) worship of idols; excessive admiration |
(идолопоклонство) worship of idols; excessive admiration | |
(иконоборческих) attacking cherished traditions; characterized by attack on established beliefs | |
(лачуги) shack; small, wretched house | |
(туманные) slightly obscure; unclear, confused, or uncertain |
(гипербола) figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis; overstatement | |
(беспечных) unaware, without noticing; unmindful or thoughtless | |
(грандиозные) impressive from inherent grandeur; large and impressive, in size, scope or extent | |
(лачуги) shack; small, wretched house |
(неподвижность) quality of not moving; remaining in place | |
(спящий) sleep throughout winter; be in inactive or dormant state | |
(иконоборческих) attacking cherished traditions; characterized by attack on established beliefs | |
(идолопоклонство) worship of idols; excessive admiration |
(графит) something used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors | |
(однородных) of the same or similar nature or kind | |
(будничной) lacking variety or excitement; monotonous | |
(туманные) slightly obscure; unclear, confused, or uncertain |
(головой) uncontrollably forceful or fast; done with head leading; headfirst | |
(красивый) skillful; handy; agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance; attractive | |
(грубый) having rough, surly, or harsh nature | |
(гуманитарного) philanthropic; one devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms |
(коварство) skillful deceit; disposition to deceive or cheat; disguise cunningly | |
(туманные) slightly obscure; unclear, confused, or uncertain | |
(гигиены) cleanliness; sanitation | |
(смирения) quality or condition of being humble; low estimate of one's self; self-abasement |