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/sə'gæsətɪ/ n.
(बुद्धिमत्ता) quality of being sagacious; quickness or acuteness of sense perceptions; keenness of discernment; shrewdness

Spelling Word: sagacity
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/sɑr'tɔ:rɪəl/ a.
(कपड़ा सीने के विषय) relating to a tailor, tailoring, or tailored clothing

Spelling Word: sartorial
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/'sɪmpə(r)/ v. Syn. smirk
(मुसकुराना) smirk; smile in artificial way to make an impression

Spelling Word: simper
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/'saɪnɪkjʊə(r)/ n.
(sinecure) well-paid position with little responsibility

Spelling Word: sinecure
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/'sɪnɪstə(r)/ a. Syn. evil
(भयावह) suggesting or threatening evil

Spelling Word: sinister
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/'sʌkjʊlənt/ a. Syn. delectable
(रसीला) full of juicy; full of richness; highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable

Spelling Word: succulent
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/'sʌltrɪ/ a.
(वातहीन) burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot

Spelling Word: sultry
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/'tændʒɪb(ə)l/ a. Syn. real; palpable
(मूर्त) able to be touched; real or concrete; palpable

Spelling Word: tangible
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/'trɪvɪəl/ a. Syn. unimportant; trifling; commonplace
(तुच्छ) unimportant; of little significance or value; ordinary; commonplace

Spelling Word: trivial
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/'trukjələns/ n. Syn. aggressiveness; ferocity
(truculence) aggressiveness; ferocity; ferociously cruel actions or behavior

Spelling Word: truculence