dagger | (短剑,匕首) knife; short pointed weapon with sharp edges |
dais | (讲台) raised platform for guests of honor |
damp | (潮湿的,有湿气的) humid; moist; slightly wet |
dangerous | (危险的) full of risk; perilous; hazardous; unsafe |
dapper | (整齐的,优雅的) neatly dressed; very stylish in dress; lively and alert |
dappled | (有斑点的) spotted; having mottled or spotted skin or coat |
daub | (涂抹) smear as with paint; apply with quick or crude strokes to surface; make crude paintings |
daunt | (惊吓,胁迫) frighten; abate the courage of; discourage |
dauntless | (胆大的) bold; incapable of being discouraged; fearless |
dawdle | (游手好闲,混日子) proceed slowly; waste time |
deadlock | (僵局) standstill resulting from opposition of two forces or factions; stalemate |
deadly | (致命的,极度的) fatal; lethal; causing or tending to cause death |
deadpan | (没有表情的,呆板的) wooden; impersonal; deliberately impassive or expressionless, as face or look |
dearth | (稀缺,缺乏) scarcity; shortage of food; famine from failure or loss of crops |
debase | (贬低,降低) reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade |
debatable | (未决定的,有争执的) disputable; unsettled; open to doubt or debate |
debate | (争论,辩论) discussion; dispute; discussion involving opposing points |
debauch | (堕落,放荡) corrupt; seduce from virtue |
debilitate | (使虚弱,衰弱) make weak; enfeeble; impair the strength of |
debonair | (温文尔雅,友好,殷勤) friendly; of good appearance and manners; graceful |