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 By Pacific Lava

Print IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards

1. Overview
When you start to prepare IELTS vocabulary, you may want to get a set of IELTS word flashcards or cards. However, it's not easy to find out them that exactly match your situation or requirements from either a book store or the Internet. Why? Because every student has one's vocabulary base, this is a very personalized requirement. Therefore you hardly get an existing set of flashcards to fit your own IELTS vocabulary building perfectly.

If you are lucky, you may get one that 70-80% matches your circumstance. In this case, it will save you a lot of time. For those who cannot search out useful stuff online or offline, if you want to have cards of IELTS vocabulary, we have a solution to let you make and print your flashcards based on the IELTS vocabularies of this website.

It's is a very straightforward way to make and print your own IELTS card on the website. If you have a printer and paper, 3 minutes are enough to print out your first personalized flashcard.

Now we support two common types of cards: one-sided and double-sided. Just as a general card or flashcard, one-sided means all contents are on the same side; double-sided means word and definition are on separate sides.

After choosing a group from an IELTS vocabulary, you have two buttons: Card and Flashcard, which trigger respectively to print one-sided and double-sided cards. On any IELTS card or flashcard page, you can see words are ready. You just click the "Print cards" button; the rest job is by your printer.

Let's take the short list:500 IELTS Vocabulary as an example to show how to print cards or flashcards. Below are links of its 1st group for cards and flashcards:
2. IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards
To match with various requirements, such as different vocabulary levels or separate test expectations, we collect four IELTS vocabularies on this website. Each of them has a built-in feature to print cards and flashcards.

However, we suggest selecting a larger list, such as 4000 IELTS Academic Word List, to make personalized cards. Although there are four vocabularies available, you actually only need one set of cards. If you print them from more than one source, you have to merge them manually. 4000 IELTS Academic Word List is for serious test takers. If you finish this list, you may not need to visit other ones.

We categorized all words of 4000 IELTS Academic Word List into 12 groups. Here getting the first two groups as examples, we show their links of one-sided flashcards, namely cards.

4000 IELTS Academic Word's flashcards.

Below are links to print one-sided and double-sided flashcards based on four IELTS vocabularies.

4000 IELTS Academic Words
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 5's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 6's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 7's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 8's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 9's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 10's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 11's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 12's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
6000 IELTS Academic Words
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 5's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 6's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 7's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 8's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
500 IELTS Vocabulary
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 5's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
4000 IELTS General Words List
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 5's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 6's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 7's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 8's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 9's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 10's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 11's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided

3. IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards for ESL Students
IELTS test takers usually master their own first language very well. More or less, they try to leverage the knowledge of their mother language to learn a second language. Some of them used to study new English words with flashcards. The typical style is as one side is a word in English, and another side is an explanation in home language.

4000 IELTS Academic Word List is also an excellent resource for ESL (English as Second Language) students who hope to show the definition of native language in flashcards. In most cases, bilingual explanations help ESL students to save time and clarify confusion from English explanations. Like other vocabularies with non-English definitions, 9 languages are available to make flashcards of 4000 IELTS Academic Word List.

Here we show the first two links of double-sided flashcards with Korean definitions.

4000 IELTS Academic Word's flashcards with Korean.If you see your home language in the following buttons, click on it, you will get all groups of 3 IELTS vocabularies with bilingual explanations. They are the start points to print flashcards with definitions of your language.