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3500 ACT Vocabulary
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Group (10) - Spelling Practices
(和平主义者) one opposed to force; antimilitarist
(能导致疾病) able to cause disease; producing disease
(钱的,货币的) relating to money; requiring payment of money
(悔过的) feeling or expressing deep regret for misdeeds
(专制的,强硬的,专横的) offensively self-assured; dictatorial; not allowing contradiction or refusal
(尽善尽美,完美) flawlessness; excellence; state of being without flaw or defect
(石化) convert wood or other organic matter into stony replica; cause to become stiff or stonelike
(种植园,种植园) farm; an area under cultivation; a group of cultivated trees or plants
(高原,高地) highland; upland; relatively flat highland
((植物)授粉) fertilize by transferring pollen
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