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(书生气的) marked by narrow focus on or display of learning, especially formal rules and trivial points

Spelling Word: pedantic
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(坚定不移) endurance; steady persistence in adhering to a course of action

Spelling Word: perseverance
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((古希腊士兵的)密集方阵,密集队) compact or close knit group of people, animals, or things

Spelling Word: phalanx
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(花斑的,斑驳的) mottled; spotted or patched, especially in black and white

Spelling Word: piebald
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(沉重缓慢地走,孜孜从事,辛苦工作) move or walk heavily or laboriously; travel slowly but steadily

Spelling Word: plod
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(有胆量的,有勇气的,决断的) having or showing courage and spirit in trying circumstances

Spelling Word: plucky
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(跳进,投入,陷入) dive; submerge; become suddenly lower; decrease dramatically; throw oneself into a substance or place

Spelling Word: plunge
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(多配偶) one who has more than one spouse at a time

Spelling Word: polygamist
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(征兆) omen; forewarning; something that portends an event about to occur, especially unfortunate or evil event

Spelling Word: portent
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(积极的,正的,阳极的) involving advantage or good ; greater than zero; very sure; confident

Spelling Word: positive