[Esc] (1) n. (征税,课税,税款,税) laying a tax, or imposing taxes, as on the subjects of a state, by authority; raising of revenue
[Esc] (2) n. (引诱,诱惑物) act of tempting, or enticing to evil; seduction
[Esc] (3) n. Syn. trend; propensity (趋势,倾向) trend; a general direction in which something tends to move
[Esc] (4) v. Syn. stop; end (停止,结束) stop; bring to an end or halt
[Esc] (5) v. Syn. melt; defrost (解冻) melt, such as snow and ice; defrost; warm weather following a freeze
[Esc] (6) ad. Syn. thus; accordingly; consequently (因此,从而) thus; accordingly; by that means; because of that
[Esc] (7) n. Syn. slant; lean (倾斜) slight but noticeable partiality; line or surface that departs from the vertical
[Esc] (8) n. (辛苦,辛勤劳作) exhausting labor or effort; any thread, web, or string spread for taking prey
[Esc] (9) n. (忍受,宽容) capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others; capacity to endure hardship or pain
[Esc] (10) v. (清空,鸣钟,(道路,港 口的)通行费,过路税) charge a fee for using; sound in slowly repeated single tones; announce or summon by ringing a bell